
Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh my!

Today we went for what is most likely our last walk across the grasslands for a long, long time!

rising water

yesterday I was standing on the nice dry path to take this picture…

Path under water

Today, that path is under water.  Water levels must have risen by almost a foot in the last 24 hours.  If you consider the vast expanse now covered, that is a LOT of water!  No wonder they were warning, on the news last night, of the potential for this to be a major flood year.

Log bay, second log half submerged

Over at the log bay the bottom log is completely submerged and the second one is at least half way….I couldn’t really recall the water being this high this time of the year before, but when I checked back it was this high on April 20th in 2007 and again in 2009, both of which were high water years, and if I recall in 2007 there was some flooding.  Of course what happens all depends on how much snow there is in the Fraser River water shed (150% of normal this year), and how fast it all melts.

Male Brewer's Blackbird

Bird wise, the Brewer’s Blackbirds are firmly entrenched at the log bay now…above a male…

Female Brewers Blackbird

and today a female calling from in the bushes.

Pair of Canada Geese

there are a few Canada Goose pairs around, like this pair that I took a picture of yesterday, and for interest sake, that log was completely submerged today.  There have also been some Common Merganser and Mallards


and yesterday, that Swan was still out there.  I think it was there today too, but even further out.

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