
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Odd’s ‘n sod’s ‘n frogs……

Well we made it over to the park today between showers….

Full log Bay

Look at the log bay!!! 

looking across the bay

and again from this angle…

and that way

and looking south – I expect where I am standing will be under water by tomorrow.

a bunch of Goldeneyes

a flock of Goldeneyes came out from the edge of the water – I think there were some of both kinds, Common and Barrow’s…

Not far from the bench

Might as well show the bench in relation to the water because it isn’t going to be high and dry for much longer – not at the rate the water is rising!

Hairy Woodpecker

a Male Hairy Woodpecker was busy on one of the rotting pilings – there were Swallows all over, in fact this morning, returning from a trip to Chilliwack, there were literally clouds of Swallows flying near the bridge over the Harrison River.

Goldfinches were singing and I spotted a very yellow little bird – probably, given the time of year and size, a Wilson’s Warbler but didn’t get a good enough look for a positive ID.

Pine Sisken gathering nesting material

This Pine Sisken was gathering nesting material – looks like it could be my dogs fur – she is distributing enough of it right now!

looking back in my direction

Here we are looking back over where the path we used to walk is – somewhere under all that water…

The first bay

and here is the first bay….won’t be able to stand on this side of it much longer either…today while we stood there my dog spotted something at the edge of the water…

Tiny Frog

a tiny little Frog!  It was only an inch or so long (sorry, that is about 3-4 cm)  I’ve sent pictures to a couple of fellow nature lovers to see if they can ID it.


there is another look at the tiny little guy…

White-crowned Sparrow in Rhodo

Back home the White-crowned Sparrows remain….this one posed prettily on my Rhododendron bush…

Two Gold-crowned

and the Golden Crowned Sparrows….here two of them at a feeder…

Gold-crowned Sparrow eating dandelion leaves

and this one was buy munching on the leaves of a dandelion – didn’t know they ate the leaves….I knew dandelions were a very important food source for birds and that the black bears rely on the leaves and flowers, but I didn’t know that birds ate the leaves as well.

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