Water is definitely the topic of discussion for the end of April! It is falling from the sky in torrents, which is why we didn’t venture over to the park for a month end wrap up….
We did make it down to the boat launch…where water levels have crept half way up the little hill to the higher part of the path, which means the leading edge of the water is almost to the base of the white marker post. Historically, we reach peak water about the 2nd week in June so it will be very interesting to see what happens this year. Last year high water peaked in early July but last year was a relatively low water year. Still no flood advisory for the area.
I actually took this picture yesterday, but if you look closely you’ll see all sorts of little fishes swimming over the path we were walking on a couple of days before.
So a month end wrap up for birds – let’s see, there are lots of Steller’s Jay around, more than usual, most of the Robins appear to be nesting now, still a lot of White-crowned Sparrows but seems to be less of the Gold-crowned the last few days. There are Rufous Hummingbirds, but sure not in the numbers we’ve seen in previous years (excluding last year when the numbers were low also), the Brown-headed Cowbirds are back, still lot’s of Purple Finch and some House Finch, Gold Finch too. Towhee’s, Song Sparrows and Dark Eyed Junco not seen as frequently as they are most likely nesting now too. Chickadee’s, both Black-capped and Chestnut backed seen and heard infrequently – they seem to still be searching for nesting sites. The Osprey are back – yesterday I say a Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey and there is a pair nesting on a piling within view of the Harrison River bridge on highway 7. A couple of times recently I’ve seen a Peregrine Falcon flying about, I don’t know if that means there is a pair nesting near by or not. The Raven have been very vocal lately and I’ve seen a few more crows as well. All the Swallow species are back with the exception of the Barn Swallows, they should show up soon, as should the Black-headed Grosbeak and the Bullock’s Oriole. I think I’ve been hearing a Western Tanager, but I haven’t seen one yet. Some Warblers have been seen but not in any great numbers yet. No shore now for shorebirds, but that won’t deter the Spotted Sandpipers – they should be back soon too.