For the second day we’ve been hearing Evening Grosbeak’s – LOTS of Evening Grosbeaks, but they have pretty much been sticking to the tree tops…
I took this photo the evening of the 7th….the American Bittern were calling from across the water…heard something else as well but couldn’t ID it – saw a report from another birder for this area and he’d seen a Green Heron – so maybe that is what I heard….it was wonderful and peaceful at any rate.
Today has been nice, but also quite windy so we didn’t wander over to the park, but stuck close to home….Saw this House Finch, he was busy calling, I suspect a nest in a hedging cedar close by.
Steller’s Jay still around although I don’t think quite so many the last few days as there had been…
both of those guys were just out back of my place…not sure what they were finding in the grass but there was something that caught their eye!
something caught the attention of this American Robin too….
and then one of those Evening Grosbeak decided to pay a visit to the feeder – I expect in a few days we’ll be over run with them – good job I stocked up with Black Oil Sunflower seeds on the weekend.
still a lot of Purple Finch around ….this one was co-operative but a bit scruffy looking….
and we must not forget the Band Tail Pigeon that are still here – yesterday afternoon there were 8 of them crowded onto the feeder…
I’ll throw one more shot in, just for good measure – this guy doesn’t have much of a ‘band’ on it’s tail….
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