
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh no! Snow?

This is becoming so not funny!  Here we are almost the middle of March and we’ve had some snow every day for at least 3 days now and this afternoon it is getting quite serious with everything turning white.

Geese in the snow

Despite the inclement weather there were several pairs of Canada Geese spread along the foreshore – all being quite vocal.

Oh, no snow!

the only bird visible at the log bay was a Robin out on the gravel (not in the picture)


back at the first bay,

Heron in the snow

a Great Blue Heron

Killdeer in the snow

and also a Killdeer – I’ve mentioned hearing them for the last while, today wouldn’t have been the day I would have expected to see one.  There were some Gold-crowned Kinglets around and I think House Finch singing at the log bay but everybody was so tucked down in the bushes that you couldn’t really see them.

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