
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A drier day…..

Well today was certainly a much pleasanter walk than yesterday!

on the flats

Lots of Bald Eagles out there today…..

Eagles & Gulls

started counting and a ‘guesstimate’ would be a couple of hundred out on the flats and probably another hundred in the surrounding trees…

Eagle Tree

This is the ‘eagle’ tree by the viewing platform and there were more calling down in the direction of the golf course….and of course if there are that many over on this side, you know there are many more lining the Harrison River side.

Lot’s of Gulls too….pretty much all Glaucous-wing although I spotted 1 Mew Gull and a couple of Herring.

Oct.26 013

The bushes along the trail were pretty quiet…some Chickadees and Dark eyed Junco….that was about it.  Lots of ducks around,  Mallard and Green Wing Teal in this photo…but about a dozen American Wigeon as well…and this was the only Great Blue Heron I spotted today.

I had hoped to get pictures of the mountain tops because the higher ones all had snow on them this morning, the first of the season, but the clouds had dropped by the time I got out for our walk…..maybe tomorrow.

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