
Saturday, January 8, 2011

and today ~ snow!

So the theme of crazy weather continues….yesterday it was very wet and the warmest it has been for sometime…and today..


we have snow!  Not a lot of snow and it keeps switching back and forth from snow to rain to snow….but the temperature has been dropping slowly but steadily throughout the day although still sitting at just 0c.

The log bay

The lack of ducks theme continues as well although there were 6 female Common Merganser here at the log bay…but no others…  1 Great Blue Heron here as well.

Eagle on a post

Bald Eagles on pilings, although far less in numbers than there were yesterday. 


I’m throwing this in, not because it is a great picture but because I rarely mention the Common Raven….there is at least 1 pair of Raven who live and nest in the vicinity of the estuary.  It is a rare day when I don’t at least hear them.  Today this fellow was perched in one of the trees in the boat launch area, calling to another that was up on the hillside on the west side of the estuary.

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