
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Turbulent day

What a turbulent day – weather wise!  The forecast rain arrived last night and continued on into the morning…then it cleared…

Turbulent day

so by the time we were ready to go for our walk, it wasn’t bad at all – you can see there was a snow squall happening up that valley – which is a bit strange as it was a very warm, 9 degrees out at the time…


most of the birds seemed to be up in the air riding the wind currents but a few were on the ground..

Closer look at eagle

at the point I was taking this picture, we could hear sirens, which set off the pack of Coyote who live on the hillside to the west of the estuary – 2 fire trucks roared along the bordering Morris Valley Road and then a helicopter flew over – none of it perturbed this guy, except he did duck his head when the helicopter went over.

Gulls in the log bay

Nothing was moving in the bushes along the trail, but the log bay was busy again with gulls – lots of gulls…

Eagles and gulls

and more Bald Eagles….

all in a row

Not sure what was up with these 5 – all lined up in a row!

As we headed back the wind suddenly picked up to the point that I was happy to get out from under the large trees…


this Great Blue Heron flew in and landed, not far from the original eagle

Still there

who was still happily perched there.  Since our walk the wind has died down somewhat but it is now very dark and raining again….and because I just caught sight of it….that black ‘Gray’ Squirrel I mentioned a few days ago is still here, in fact, there are at least two of them…

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