
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wouldn't you know it!

With yesterday being so 'active' out there, today I went all prepared with binoculars and notepad to do a proper count to send into EBird.....and of course it wasn't nearly as busy as yesterday....still you can always find something....

there was a little flock of Hooded of my favorite ducks!  

way over on the grasslands this guy....had to come home and double check my Sibley's Guide to Birds to confirm it's ID....a juvenile Northern Harrier.

walked over to the log bay, of coarse today there were no geese, no swans, not even any ducks there.

saw this Steller's Jay en-route....

also this Varied Thrush that appears to have some sort of growth on it's throat.

there were some Dark-eyed Junco....

and this Great Blue Heron.....

and to make things really worth while....this guy stayed perched at the log bay the whole time we were there.  One of approximately 120 eagles visible today.  

As for swans, as we were leaving heard 3 Tundra Swans land way out and then another flock of probably Trumpeters were flying way over by the river. this time tomorrow....they say we might have snow!  Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kathy...I am coming to Harrison for the Eagle Festival as of November 19th and would like to know if there are many Bald Eagles? Please advise at your convenience? Kindest regards, Ian email:
