
Monday, April 17, 2017

A few minutes at the log bay

It is always amazing what one can see when you just sit and watch for a few minutes.  That is what Dempster (my little dog) and I did this afternoon...

over at the log bay.  We are sitting on the bench that parks conveniently placed in this spot.

the female Mallard was preening herself on the end of the log while her mate snoozed in the water nearby.

Steller's Jay were working over the logs....not sure what they were up to.

a pair of Canada Geese was on the point to the north of the bay....

Red-wing Blackbirds were calling back and forth...

an American Robin came down for a bath...

quickly joined by a male American Goldfinch....and since yesterday was the first day we'd seen a goldfinch this season....

it is deserving of a second photo.

Song Sparrows have been quite active.....

and so have the Spotted Towhee....

and Ruby-crowned Kinglet are in just about every just have to watch for a minute and one will show up.

apologies for the quality of this photo, but did want to post it, partly to mention the Rufous Hummingbirds that are zipping around everywhere, but also to show it feeding from the flowers of the native Black Twin Berry that are just starting to bloom.

also in flower, finally, are the Salmon Berries.  Last year they were in flower before the end of February!

wandering back home....

there was actually a Bald Eagle in one of the 'eagle' trees.

at the boat launch, there was this little herd of Bufflehead...I'm surprised that they are still here, would have thought they would have headed north by now.

and those Common Merganser that have been hanging about for several weeks now were there as well.  They, of course, do nest here in the area although the males will take off and leave the females to raise the young.

I could hear Killdeer out there too but couldn't spot them.  One other item of note, saw the first Orange Crowned Warbler of the season this morning....hadn't taken my camera on that'd think I would have learned by now to always have it with me.

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