can't quite walk out to the flats yet, but they are getting closer.
Now it is time for Damsel Flies and Dragon Flies to show up....
Canada Geese are still hanging about out there....
We've been hearing lots of....
Cedar Waxwings lately, but they've been sticking to the tree least one of those above is a baby... I've also had baby Black-headed Grosbeaks but very elusive when ever I try to sneak out with a camera!
Yesterday there were a number of baby Barn Swallows lined up on the snow guard of this metal roof. I hope they didn't have to stay there for long as it was HOT!
Black-capped Chickadee families have been almost constant in the yard....
and I just wanted to point out this adult White-crowned Sparrow that I think is one of the parents of the youngsters from a couple of weeks ago...this bird has a deformed beak....the lower mandible is longer than the upper, but besides that, it can't actually close it's 'mouth' - never the less it obviously manages as it has grown to adult hood and even raised a family. Probably a case where having access to bird feeders has benefited as it might not have been so lucky 'out in the wild'.
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