Despite the best of intentions I didn't get a single entry done this past week, as has no doubt been noticed! A glitch with my new photo editing program was a contributing factor, along with the weather which has been extremely wet, and then there were a couple of walks cut short by those dog owners who continue to think that leash laws don't apply to them...
The above is the last picture I've taken here and it was taken a week ago, in fact I haven't seen any Green-wing Teal since. The little Bufflehead continue and a few Mallard but that has been it for ducks, at least that I've seen.
Last Sunday we took a drive over to the Blue Heron Preserve in Chilliwack. The trail close to the heronry is now closed as the birds are building their nests and will be sitting on eggs shortly. This is a view from across the pond.
There were quite a few ducks on the large pond including this pair of Common Merganser
on another smaller and quieter water way this male Wood Duck was hanging out along with a pair of Mallard.
There were so many of all the common birds you would expect to see this time of the year that it was hard to know where to focus the camera. This of course is a Black-capped Chickadee
Dark-eyed Junco this one being a female...
Spotted Towhee....
and of course, given the time of year....
American Robins!
One other item of note was a bird we saw on the way home. It was perched on a barn roof and my husband did a quick about turn because it appeared to be a hawk with white wing patches....
it definitely had white wing patches, with writing on them! I then thought it must be plastic but it was turning it's head, and then it flew down into the grass so it wasn't a fake. I have no idea what kind of hawk it is but presumably it escaped from somewhere.
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