As predicted yesterday, Tree Swallows were liable to show up on the first nice sunny day.....
and as you can tell, today was that nice sunny day! I only walked to the first bay (above) today because not only did the sunshine bring out the swallows - it also brings out the people and since I had my dog it is just easier on everyone to stay away. The Tree Swallows I did see were flying around the nesting boxes that are on that piling. I also heard a Killdeer, but try as I might I could not find it.
Red-wing Blackbirds were still around and notice the pussy willows - they have, of course been out for sometime now. There were a number of Robins and also saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Even better pussy willows in this picture of a Song Sparrow singing it's little heart out. There were Song Sparrows singing everywhere. Spotted Towhees were scuttling around in the underbrush, in fact it sounded like there were all sorts of things scuttling about.
The female Northern Harrier was coursing over the foreshore again, I've seen her almost daily but haven't been able to get a decent picture.
Something else I saw today was a Mourning Cloak Butterfly! This seems really early, but because I wasn't 'up and running' I'll show you that I actually found a very wet, cold Mourning
Cloak, way back on February 24th!
The poor thing had been sitting on the road. I picked it up and brought it home where it revived and then was beating against the window so I had to put it back outside. I don't recall ever seeing Butterflies in February before and I only remember one March, back a number of years ago when we had a very early spring. The flowering plum trees were in flower in about the 3rd or 4th week of March and both Mourning Cloak and Satyr Butterflies were all over them.
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