
Monday, October 1, 2012

It’s October….

The month of October has started out kind of gray…

Gray start to the month

but still dry with only one very light shower…  I would have been an excellent birding day but unfortunately I was so rushed for time I couldn’t take advantage of it…but I do want to mention that there was a Sandhill Crane calling out there when we approached the estuary – there is no mistaking the call of a Sandhill!

Eagle in the eagle tree

also it was a day when Bald Eagles were perched in pretty much every large tree near the edge of the water – not in the numbers they will be, but still it was nice to see them…

Small birds seemed to be everywhere…

Mallard and Glaucous Wing Gull

and noticed a number of individual gulls – like this Glaucous-wing Gull perched at almost even intervals….perhaps they are all on sentry duty watching for the first salmon!

Red-breasted Nuthatch

and the Red-breasted Nuthatch invasion continues!  Not that anyone is complaining! In fact I think we are all hoping they plan to stay for the winter…also, it is now October and there is still at least 1 Band Tail Pigeon coming to the feeders.  That is the latest date we have ever had Band Tails here.

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