
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boring Birding….

It is a good job this month is drawing to a close because it has been pretty boring for birding…

February 28, 2012

Today wasn’t a bad day for weather, although cloud was moving in and their still talking about the possibility of a little bit of snow before it switches to rain for the foreseeable future.  There was absolutely nothing at the log bay today – I took this picture in hopes the pussy willows would show up..

Male House Finch

when you stood and were completely quiet, a few birds started to show up like this male House Finch..

Female House Finch

and then a female.  There were also some Towhee and Junco – so much depends on who and how someone has walked through just before you…often the birds are in hiding but start to appear once the perceived‘danger’ is past.

bare estuary

looks pretty barren out there, but sometimes looks are deceiving…


there were quite a few Mallards scattered along the shorelines…

Green Wing Teal

and at first glance there wasn’t anything here…but there are at least a dozen Green-Wing Teal and one Mallard.

first bay

thought I’d check back and see what was happening the last day of February last year – apparently we had snow….

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