
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


What a miserable day! 

Where'd the mountains go?

The temperature has been dropping slowly but steadily all day and what is coming down is a mix of rain and snow, with straight snow not too far away.

Miserable day

Mt. Woodside barely visible in the gloom….and not a whole else out there either…


was trying to show the snow in this…but didn’t succeed too well.

Eagle with a fish

One Bald Eagle eating some fish bits and a few Varied Thrush under a tree were pretty much all that was visible in the way of birds.

If the snow wasn’t enough to remind you that the winter season is upon us…today is also my first count day of this season’s ‘Project Feeder Watch’.  Anyone who feeds birds can, for a nominal fee,  participate in this citizen science project.  Just pick 2 days during the week, and keep track of the species and the numbers of them that come to your feeders and then report the results on line.  This is done weekly from mid-Nov. until I think it is mid-March…I know it always seems to end way to quickly, but is a good way of watching the winter speed by!  Just Google in Project Feeder Watch or go to the Bird Studies Canada website to learn more.

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