
Monday, November 7, 2011

Cold, wet day

It just isn’t very nice out there today, in fact with the temperature sitting at barely 4 degrees we aren’t very far off from experiencing the first ‘s’ of the season!  Surely it is a little early for that, although as I write this and look out the window, the stuff coming down is decidedly ‘thick’.

Cold wet day

I didn’t stand around for too long in any one place, but it was obvious that the water levels are continuing to drop

not nice

a great many ducks out there…I know I saw the 6 Hoodies again and there were the usual American Wigeon, Mallard and Gadwall, could have been almost anything out there and I wouldn’t know it…just too darn miserable to stand around studying the situation!

growing gravel bars

took this to show how the gravel bars out there are really showing up now.  There was a constant din of bird calls out there, Gulls and Eagles.  At one point 3 Eagles swooped down at the ducks in this area and ducks went flying in all directions.  One would almost think the eagles did it just for the fun of it.  They will hunt ducks, but eagles are opportunistic feeders and they aren’t going to expend the energy duck hunting when there are so many salmon there, just for the taking.

Heron and ducks

This Great Blue Heron was just off the log bay but took off during the ‘eagle swoop’…

dead fish 

took this to show the log bay now the water has receded – not a particularly pleasant sight – but as it should be.

Apart from a couple of Steller’s Jay, didn’t hear or see anything along the trail.

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