
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June catch up

We took a week or so away, so today was the first time we'd walked over at Harrison Bay since the last post.  Weather hasn't changed much but water levels have dropped slightly....

those ripples in the water turned out to be....

a River Otter...

A bit further along....

a male Hairy Woodpecker with a fledgling....

Quite a few Cedar Waxwings flying around....

and then we spotted this....

a male Lazuli Bunting!  We'd seen one earlier in the spring, but to see one, in fact I think there were two, at this time of the year must mean they are nesting here which is exciting.

the Viper's Bugloss is coming into flower....

could hear lot's of Common Yellowthroat and then finally this guy showed himself and held still long enough for a picture....

Perhaps the most interesting thing though was....

taking place by the eagle nest....this adult was perched and was being constantly attacked by the smaller bird....couldn't tell what the smaller bird was until I got home and down loaded it....

turned out to be a Bullock's Oriole.  The eagle wasn't paying the slightest attention to it. By the way, could hear young in the eagle nest, but couldn't see anyone yet.

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