Yesterday we got out in the canoe again....
the wildfire smoke was thicker than it had been - and is getting thicker - but just to show how things can change, almost day to day, there wasn't nearly the activity around the Purple Martin boxes....
although there were still some Purple Martin around....
including some really young ones, but I think the bulk of them have started heading back to where ever they spend the winter.
it was actually pretty quiet out there....or 'in here' as this is inside the poor, collapsing, log bay...
at least it seemed really quiet until we snuck into a corner away from any public access...
and oh my goodness! The birds just started to appear - unfortunately we couldn't get very close so between that and the fact that most of them stayed in behind bushes and debris, the pictures weren't great - in fact missed some completely like the Black-throated Grey Warblers... Here we have a young American Robin and a young Song Sparrow sharing a branch.
this was the best I managed of a Pacific Slope Flycatcher....
and this young Warbling Vireo isn't much better.
the variety of warblers was amazing...
Yellow-rumped this one...
Yellow Warblers....possibly some Wilson's Warblers as well...
and it wasn't until I downloaded that I found....
a Townsend's Warbler down there in the corner....with possibly an Orange Crowned Warbler up above.
It wasn't just Warbler's either....
the first Chestnut-backed Chickadees I've seen in months....
as well as a young Hairy Woodpecker, hiding behind this young robin. Besides all these there were House Finch, a number of Hummingbirds and we could hear a Catbird....
what we didn't see or hear the entire 3 hours we were out there were any Canada Geese! We did spot....
a Pied-billed Grebe - in fact there had been a young one with this adult, but it decided to dive as I took the photo...
also very conspicuous by their absence were wasn't until we traveled to another section and could hear 'muttering' from the shore....
that we found where the Great Blue Heron were - up in trees!
more and more Blackbirds are showing up, like this young Red-wing Blackbird, but there was also a flock of Brewer's Blackbirds out on a section of emerging grasslands.
What we still haven't seen any of is any sort of shorebird, not even snipe, which seems strange.
Oh yes, of course there were a few....
Bald Eagle.....still just all adults though.
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