
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Finally, some activity...

After seemingly weeks with little in the way of bird activity, today's walk at Harrison Bay was just the opposite....but we will start with this mornings walk here at the estuary....

where you can see the snow isn't too far away.  Notice the Great Blue Heron here in the first bay....

these guys are usually pretty wary but this one was too busy fishing to worry about us walking by.

The morning had been fairly pleasant (for this time of the year)...

but by the time we got over to Harrison Bay the weather had of course there were birds all over....

the adjacent, slightly soggy field was full....

of a mix of Canada Geese and Cackling Geese....

Mallards....and notice the Killdeer in the top right corner....

in fact there seemed to be quite a few Killdeer - 3 in this photo...

a few American Wigeon as well (this one a male).

It wasn't just the waterfowl though....

Dark-eyed Junco lined the dike on both sides....

European Starling were gathered higher up in some of the trees...

Spotted Towhee were showing themselves more than they have recently.  Unfortunately we cut the walk short as it just got too wet and cold but nice to see the birds out and visible.  The Backyard Bird Count is in about 3 weeks time....hopefully there will be birds to count.

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