again! At least there wasn't too much this time and it was warm enough during the day to melt most of it.
So today I wondered why there was so little bird activity around our feeders....
until I spotted this Sharp-shin Hawk perched on our garden gate! These little hawks feed on song birds....and standing on one leg is quite normal for them....
you can see from this picture that he does have two feet.
After lunch we headed over to ....
Harrison Bay where it was even quieter than it has been! One of the days soon we will come upon a day when there will be so many birds we won't know where to begin ~ but not today. The eagles weren't even at their nest.
there were a couple of Northwestern Crows....
and an Anna's Hummingbird. Only other bird I noticed was a little Downy Woodpecker, however as we were headed home we passed an area where the trees were absolutely full of birds, mainly Northern Flickers and Robins.
Then in another section...
Great Blue Heron were gathered....counted over 30 of them!
Another thing I've been intending to mention....also starting with 'S'...
are the large number of Steller's Jay around right now....and how vocal they nesting season approaches they will become very quiet.....
oh and while we are on 'S''s spring like day, start watching for swallows....some were spotted at Burnaby Lake a week or so ago.
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