
Friday, January 22, 2016

Cooper's Hawk

After a couple of days of sometimes torrential rain, the skies finally started to we set out for a walk and almost immediately spotted this guy...

pretty sure it is a Cooper's Hawk.  Always hard to tell the difference between a Cooper's and the smaller Sharp Shin but due to size....

and the fact that the stripes on the breast are thick rather than thin, lean towards the Cooper's ID.  Both species feed on smaller bird which is probably why it was very quiet in the little bird department!

Made it to the waterfront...

in time to catch this pale rainbow.  All the rain, along with snow melt due to higher temperatures has brought the water levels up...

not a bad thing as the area was virtually dry.  Notice those white dots out there....

the Trumpeter Swan family that has spent the winter with us....back now there is some water depth. 

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