
Friday, June 7, 2013

The importance of native shrubs

What a difference a day makes!  After an almost perfect day yesterday, sunny and warm but not unbearably hot, today was a bit of a shock....

dull and drizzly - still can't really tell if the water levels have moved or not.  What was obvious today was the importance of our native shrubs, at least as far as their berry crops go in the eyes of 

Cedar Waxwing!  There were waxwings in this Black Twin-berry shrub.  You will notice not only the black fruits but also some of the small yellow flowers.  This shrub flowers early to provide a main crop of berries, but also continues to flower to keep the crop coming.

This one shows not only the Black Twin-berry but also some almost ripe Salmon berries.  The birds don't really let the Salmon berries become completely ripe before devouring them.

No berries in this shot, just one of the close as I could get as there was a boat launch full of water between us!

The Chickadee family was around today too but again, just wasn't able to get a picture...those babies are very good at hiding in vegetation!

final picture for today, a kind of fuzzy one of a couple of those Band-tail Pigeons that are still around.  The bird on the left really illustrates why they are called 'band tail'....these birds should be moving up into the mountains soon.

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