Another beautiful sunny, late summer day…today’s walk was nice and peaceful for the most part…
all was calm over at the log bay…a Song Sparrow darted across the path and spotted a White-crown Sparrow and this…
Spotted Towhee in one of the Red-Osier Dogwood bushes…from the bedraggled appearance I’d guess this is a young one changing into it’s adult plumage.
Still lot’s of Canada Geese, out on the flats, but today, even they were calm and quiet. Lots of ducks too, spotted a few Killdeer and one Great Blue Heron as well.
Also along the trail a half dozen or so American Robins and heard Black Cap Chickadees and a couple of Red-breasted Nuthatch. Wanted to mention something about Chickadees….since arriving home I’ve had quite a few Black Cap’s at my feeders, heard quite a few along the trail and have even heard a few Chestnut-backed, which, if you follow this blog, you’ll know have been a bit scarce over the past couple of years. One of the places we camped at while away was the Territorial Campground on Teslin Lake where there is also a bird banding station. August 18th we were chatting with those doing the banding and they remarked that they were getting far more Black Cap Chickadees than normal…
Two Black Cap Chickadees and a Flycatcher caught in a mist net at the banding station – don’t worry – the birds aren’t hurt in any way. If anyone wants to check out the reports on this banding station they can go to: ~ it will be interesting to see if the observation of ‘more Black Capped Chickadee’s than normal’ holds true in our neck of the woods as well.
Lastly…as promised….Dragonflies….the red one in yesterday’s entry was a Western Meadowhawk…today…
we have one of my favorite Dragonflies…an Eight Spot Skimmer…and since you can learn something new everyday…when I went to double check the name of this guy, I found that, with it’s light coloured body, it is a male…a female has a dark coloured body.
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