
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Robin’s nest

Kind of a gray day again, so we just wandered around in our home park

rising water

water continues to creep up at the boat launch…

Yellow Warbler

The willows lining the boat launch were alive with warblers…didn’t have binoculars but I can see now I have downloaded it, that this is a Yellow Warbler – you can just make out the red streaks on the breast…

Orange Crowned

this one is an Orange Crowned…and who knows what other types were in there.  Saw a pair of Bullock’s Orioles as well, and the usual swallows.

Robin on nest

Spotted an American Robin on a nest…. and finally was sitting chatting with a neighbour when I realized the hummingbird at her feeder was a male Anna’s…she actually has a pair of them, she is pretty sure the female is nesting in her hedge.  My mission now is to get a picture of this guy who has apparently been a regular at her place, all day, every day since the last few snowfalls!  When I get a picture, you will be the first to know!

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