
Friday, June 21, 2019

Martin update

First day of summer and we managed a quick canoe trip....

conditions weren't ideal, but better than they have been....

and the main reason for going out was to get an indication of how the Purple Martin colony was doing....and pleased to report it seems to be doing well!

there was activity at all 3 sets of boxes and from the sounds, there must be quite a few still sitting, while there are a number of youngsters visible as well.

Youngsters like these ones.  Quite a few Tree Swallows making use of the boxes as well.  Saw one young Tree Swallow sitting on one of the boxes but it looked like most are still inside being fed.  There were swallows of all descriptions, Tree, Violet Green, Barn and Northern Rough Wing flying about.

a lot of young Canada Geese as well.  Hard to count but think there were about 40 of them of varying ages, none really young.

Only other item of note was an Eastern Kingbird.  Unfortunately couldn't get a photo.  Total of 4 Osprey seen too.....and unfortunately a number of Bullfrogs were heard.

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